Yes! Gamers can make their OWN mods for Warrior's Mind! It really isn't hard ethier!
All you basically do is switch up the Warrior's Mind models with your own!
This page will be devoted for MODS made for Warrior's Mind! When you buy Warrior's Mind, on the cd you will find a program called DEBUG.EXE.
This exe can be used for viewing all the models and levels used in Warrior's Mind. It willl tell you the collision areas so that you can make your levels match up with collision.
So just imagine, you can essentialy make your own unique fighting game! You want a fighting game with your own looks and style, then do it!
In the future we might even release the Warrior's Mind engine in Exe format so you will be able to make all the graphics, music, and Models! And sell what you make!
This of course may cost a little extra but it will surely be worth we think! Until then, make MODS for the models! When you make a MOD, upload them to your website and send us a link and we will post them here!
We will also give credit to your website and the person who made the MOD! Get cooking and get some ideas in your head! A great FREE modeler can be found here at Http://
We will be posting instructions for making MODS for Warrior's Mind very soon so keep in coming back! Thanks!